If you're like most homeowners, you know the value of having hardwood floors in your home. They look great, they're easy to maintain, and they can even add value to your property. However, refinishing hardwood floors can be a messy and dusty process, which can make it difficult to keep the air in your home clean and healthy. That's where Ian at Dayton Hardwood Co comes in.
Ian is a hardwood flooring expert who specializes in refinishing floors to make them look like new again. He understands the importance of keeping the air in your home clean while he works, which is why he uses an Oneida Dust Deputy on his Festool CT48 vacuum.
The Oneida Dust Deputy is a cyclone dust separator that is designed to capture up to 99% of dust and debris before it reaches your vacuum's filter. This helps to keep your vacuum's filter clean and your vacuum running at peak performance. It also helps to reduce the amount of dust and debris that is released into the air while Ian is working on your floors.
By using the Oneida Dust Deputy on his Festool CT48 vacuum, Ian is able to capture the dust and debris that is generated while he works. This helps to keep the air in your home clean and healthy, which is especially important if you or anyone in your family suffers from allergies or respiratory issues.
In addition to using the Oneida Dust Deputy, Ian also takes other steps to keep the air in your home clean while he works. For example, he uses low-VOC finishes and sealers that are environmentally friendly and safe for you and your family. He also uses dustless sanding equipment that helps to minimize the amount of dust that is generated while he works.
In conclusion, if you're looking for an expert in hardwood floor refinishing who understands the importance of keeping the air in your home clean and healthy, look no further than Ian at Dayton Hardwood Co. By using an Oneida Dust Deputy on his Festool CT48 vacuum, Ian is able to capture dust and debris before it reaches your home's air, which helps to keep your air clean and healthy. Contact Ian today to learn more about how he can help you with your hardwood floor refinishing needs.